NEWS ALERT: Ilhan Omar braces for primary rematch after watching two ‘Squad’ allies fall


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From the Washington Examiner: Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is two days away from learning whether she has won the Democratic primary for Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District, essentially ensuring her path to reelection.

Her challenger, a familiar foe in former Minneapolis Councilman Don Samuels, believes he can unseat the sitting Democrat, arguing while campaigning on Sunday that she has been “divisive.”

“The voters have had three terms under Congresswoman Omar’s leadership and service,” Samuels told FOX 9. “They are dissatisfied.”

“She goes hard after one point of view, condemns the other point of view, alienates half of her district, and becomes divisive,” he added.

The report notes that when Samuels ran against Omar in the 2022 election, she nearly ousted her. She narrowly won by only about 2,500 votes.

Samuels released the following campaign video in March, which he still has pinned to the top of his X/Twitter account. He re-posted the video Sunday night, and wrote, “I believe we can solve the problems we face today, I believe our leaders should put the interests of those they serve above their own, and I am running against Rep. Ilhan Omar in the Democratic primary on Tuesday because I believe the people of MN-CD5 agree.”

Omar, a Muslim and a Somalian refugee, is being slammed by pro-Israel groups over her repeated comments against Israel.

Mohammad Tawhidi – aka The Imam of Peace – called Ilhan Omar “a threat to national security” and “ISIS with lipstick.”

WATCH the stunning video below:

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