REPORT: Schumer takes big step to help Biden make fundamental changes to the Supreme Court


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From Fox News: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., took the first step to advance President Biden’s Supreme Court overhaul plan, beginning with a measure to strip immunity from former President Trump after last month’s ruling in his favor.

The “No Kings Act” would “clarify” that the Constitution does not entitle presidents to immunity from criminal prosecution for their actions in office, despite the ruling of the high court.

In a statement, Schumer reiterated that the Supreme Court’s ruling granting former presidents significant immunity for official acts done while in office is “dangerous and devastating.”

“The MAGA Supreme Court has once again subverted the will of the American people, and the very idea of democracy itself,” he added.

“The Founders were explicit: no man in America shall be a king. But the MAGA Supreme Court threw out centuries of precedent and anointed Trump and subsequent presidents as kings above the law. That’s why I’m introducing the No Kings Act to crack down on this dangerous precedent,” Schumer declared in a social media post.

“One month ago, the MAGA Supreme Court effectively placed a crown over Donald Trump’s head,” Schumer wildly claimed. “They ruled that the president of the United States is in essence above the law. The president is immune in sweeping ways from accountability for ‘official acts,'” Schumer alleged, speaking from the Senate floor.

Schumer said 33 of his Democrat colleagues have joined him in co-sponsoring the legislation.

X user Richard Hamilton posted an interesting analysis and warning about Schumer’s proposal. [Emphasis added].

Schumer and a number of Democrats introduced the “No Kings Act” which is a part of the Biden reform of the SCOTUS. It will never become law, but it’s still worth to inform ourselves about what happens when Dems get full control of the government. So let’s uncover what’s in it.

Firstly, the link to this “tremendous” proposal:

The findings and purpose section is MSNBC+Vox garbage about mah the supreme court and immunity and is completely declaratory so we won’t even touch it.

In the very beginning of the substantive part of the bill, it prohibits the Courts from using the concepts of immunity OF ANY KIND. Either presumptive, absolute or any other.

This proposal opens up a Pandora’s box when basically any DA in America can try the President for anything and Courts won’t be able to throw it away as they are doing now. It also creates a paradox when Presidents can get in prison without the impeachment and ouster from office.

Not a substantive criticism but this section is kind of excessive and unnecessary because that section explicitly said the president can’t enjoy ANY kind of immunity.

This one is 100% unconstitutional. The Supreme Court is called “supreme” for a reason and you can’t limit its jurisdiction to the extend that petitioners can’t appeal the lower court’s decision in certain type of cases.

This one is even better. It prohibits any Court to find this law unconstitutional after 180 days after the enactment of this act.

It’s an extremely dubious and dangerous provision that, if enforced, will castrate the judicial system by limiting the judicial review, a cornerstone of our legal system.

They also prohibited the Supreme Court from even considering constitutionality of that section 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

To sum up. This is normally called a power grab. It’s a violation of the Constitution in its purest form, which would amount for a coup in some banana republic. It’s one branch of government subjugating another which dared to decide one case the way they didn’t like.

Here are the names of co-sponsors of this bill. Just a bunch of progressive democrats, except @tammybaldwin and @SenBobCasey.

Both have a competitive election this cycle and it would be interesting to know how they reconcile this destruction of our democratic institutions with being so pro-democracy. Perhaps, @EricHovde and @DaveMcCormickPA can ask them about it on the campaign trail.

The proposal is being touted by other Democrats:

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