RED FLAG ALERT: Biden-Harris admin paid consultants millions to help push DEI agenda in US Military


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The Daily Wire just published an exclusive report Friday morning that reveals the great extents the Biden-Harris administration has gone to in order to program the “diversity, equity and inclusion” agenda into the U.S. military.   The report begins:

The Biden-Harris Defense Department paid outside organizations millions of taxpayer dollars to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, including race-based career advancement programs, in the U.S. military, documents shared exclusively with The Daily Wire reveal.

The documents, first obtained by the Functional Government Initiative, highlight the extent of the Pentagon’s efforts to embed leftwing, race-based ideology in the military, in partnership with academic institutions and consulting firms. The outside organizations received taxpayer dollars to set up hiring pipelines that gave candidates preferential treatment on the basis of race and sex, advise the government agency on DEI policy, and combat internal and external resistance to said policies.

The contracts are the latest evidence of the Biden-Harris administration’s push to impose DEI policies and practices throughout the federal government, including the military. Critics have blasted the administration for this push, arguing that their ideological focus detracts from military readiness and may even cause some Americans to sour on military service amid an ongoing recruiting crisis, compromising our national security in the process.

The report explains that the Biden-Harris Defense Department not only pushed their DEI agenda on members, but literally paid academic institutions “to build career pipelines that disadvantaged men and white people on the basis of their sex and race.”

Below are just some examples provided in the report:

  • The U.S. Navy awarded the University of Missouri Kansas City $760,000 to design a program that would give preferential treatment to non-white students and women in STEM applying for Defense Department jobs
  • The Defense Department awarded Cornell University around $202,000 to train 35 employees of the Air Force Materiel Command to deliver DEI training to an estimated 70,000 employees, with a focus on “counteracting unconscious bias,” “fostering an inclusive environment,” and “diversity and inclusion at work.”
  • The Defense Department also paid the RAND Corporation an undisclosed sum of money for a project titled “Research and Analysis Support for the Department of Defense Board on Diversity and Inclusion.”
  • The Defense Department paid DEI consulting agency BCT Partners just under $2 million in 2021 to create a “DEI Action Plan” for DOD-operated schools, called the DOD Education Activity.

Peter McGinnis, a spokesperson for the Functional Government Initiative, warned, “The U.S. and its allies are facing challenges and threats all over the globe. Despite the increased concern for military preparedness, the DOD continues to prioritize DEI initiatives.”

“Rather than maximizing readiness training to ensure a capable military, the DOD’s training seems calculated to foster sowing internal discord with aggressive efforts to promote controversial ideologies. Americans join the military to serve their nation and protect the homeland, not to sit through sensitivity training. The DOD owes them better,” McGinnis said.

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