WATCH: Cartoon from years ago accurately predicts trans incident at Olympic box match


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From Breitbart: Imane Khelif, an Algerian fighter who was disqualified from the International Boxing Association 2023 World Boxing Championships after failing gender-eligibility tests, beat Italian fighter Angela Carini in a boxing match at the 2024 Paris Olympics — after just 46 seconds in the fight — on Thursday, and within minutes the social media pipes were being clogged with users sharing a clip from a 2019 South Park episode that many say predicated men eventually box against women in professional sporting events.

“Now, this is the first year that a trans woman is in the competition. How do you feel about that?” a reporter in the November 2019 South Park episode, “Board Girls” is heard saying to a female athlete, who naively replies, “Amazing. I feel honored to be a part of history.”

“I have a lot of incredible trans friends who are athletes, and so we’re all inspired this woman’s competing,” the female athlete character adds, to which the reporter character nervously reacts, “Uh-huh, and uh, have you actually ever met Heather Swanson?”

The female athlete, who is being interviewed by the reporter ahead of participating in the “Strong Woman Competition,” replies, “Uh, no, I’ve never competed against her before. No.”

Then “Heather Swanson,” joins the interview, and the female athlete suddenly gets a shocked look on her face.

Tall and muscular, Swanson admits he just recently started identifying as a woman, and gloats, “I’m here to kick some fuckin’ ass! I’m gonna roll up the other women here, and I’m gonna smoke ’em. I am the strongest woman this state has ever seen!”

Of course, Swanson wins the competition, leaving the female athletes battered and bloodied.

WATCH the video below, which was posted to YouTube in November 2019:

FAST-FORWARD TO THE PRESENT:  Here’s what just happened at the Olympics:

Social media posts are noting the ironic comparisons between the cartoon and reality:

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