OP-ED: Kamala Harris and her two socialist proposals to crush the US economy


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An op-ed written by Justin Hawkins for Fox News:  Vice President Kamala Harris has never been closer to becoming president of the United States. And if she succeeds in that endeavor in November, her administration would likely be the most socialist and destructive in our country’s history.

The Biden-Harris administration has been nothing short of a complete disaster. Under the leadership of President Joe Biden and Harris, Americans have experienced soaring levels of government debt and inflation. Housing has never been more expensive. Families are becoming increasingly more dependent on government to survive. Europe and the Middle East are now embroiled in deadly conflicts after four years of stability under former President Donald Trump.

As bad as things have been with Biden as president, however, putting Harris in charge would make life substantially worse. Biden has been one of America’s most progressive presidents, but Harris’s past policy positions are even further to the left of those backed by Biden. 

In fact, if Harris were to become president, it’s fair to say that she would be the first democratic socialist candidate to fill the position in the 248-year history of the United States. 

In his op-ed, Hawkins then lists two socialist policies supported by Harris, that if enacted, “would crush the U.S. economy and reduce individual liberty in unprecedented ways.”

1 – The Green New Deal.  Sponsored by Democrat Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, it includes a long list of destructive policies that would radically change America as we know it, including:

  • Ending the use of gasoline-powered cars, oil, natural gas, and other reliable energy sources — all in just 10 years
  • A nationwide network of high-speed rail
  • “basic income” programs
  • a government jobs guarantee
  • “upgrading all existing buildings in the United States”
  • the creation of a system of public banks
  • rebuilding the electric grid
  • trillions in wind and solar development
  • The transformation of U.S. agriculture, including an end to much of the cattle industry
  • single-payer health care plan

Hawkins warned that the Green New Deal would cost an estimated $94 trillion, and would cause taxes and inflation to skyrocket well beyond what most families can afford.

2 – Medicare For All: Harris has pushed this socialist plan hard. Hawkins explains that the Harris “Medicare-for-all” proposal would start out with newborns and uninsured people automatically enrolled in a government-run health care plan, and over the next 10 years, those with employer-sponsored insurance would be phased into the plan. Eventually, almost everyone would be stuck with government health coverage.

Anyone private health insurance would be supplemental to “Medicare-for-all,” tightly regulated, and would be required to “adhere to strict Medicare requirements on costs and benefits, the op-ed states.

Since Medicare reimbursement rates are much lower than private health insurance, health care providers would need to slash the quality of services provided just to break even, and America’s healthcare system would then end up the same as many European nations, with rationed care, longer wait times and reduced access to care.