Biden tries to rig SCOTUS


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Joe Biden is finalizing plans to endorse significant changes to the Supreme Court, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for justices and an enforceable ethics code.

This move is part of a broader strategy to address perceived issues within the Supreme Court, aiming to restore balance and accountability to the institution.

Legal expert, Jonathon Turley responded to the report:

The Washington Post is reporting that President Biden is going to cave to the far left in demanding “reforms” of the Supreme Court, including term limits. The political calculus is clear, but the constitutional means may prove more challenging.

Law professors have for years insisted that the Court had to be changed to push through a legal agenda. Years ago, Harvard professor Michael Klarman supported court packing and insisted that Democrats can change the system to guarantee Republicans “will never win another election.” However, Klarman warned “the Supreme Court could strike down everything I just described” so the court must be changed to allow these changes to occur.

President Biden moving to reportedly impose term limits in a close election only reinforces the view that politics not principle are again driving his decisions. If the President had a ten-point margin, the Supreme Court would likely be safe for another four years.”